Let’s explore Mixed Media at Free To Be Art home studio in Milwaukie. We will color various papers with a variety of different paints and other mediums. We will cut shapes and adhere them to an 8 x 10 canvas to create the design. We can use words and images that are meaningful to us in this expressive class. Bring a friend and enjoy a memorable night of creating together! You can bring any snacks, treats or beverages in to Free To Be Art that you like!
8″x 10″ canvas, all papers, paints and other supplies provided in the cost of $30.
We have aprons but suggest that you wear clothing that is all right if you get paint on. Many times acrylic will not wash out.
***Due to small class size and limited space, no refunds can be issued.***
Tickets can be purchased at Eventbrite at this link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mixed-media-class-at-free-to-be-art-saturday-feb-10-6pm-tickets-42392172128